Saturday, September 20, 2008

Daddy's Girls

Okay well maybe just one of Daddy's girls for now!  I need to take another picture of Andrea and Jamie because it didn't come out!

Stay tuned for the next girl!


Brandy said...

Awww...cute picture. :)

Sara Weber said...

So sweet! I hope to still be posting pictures like this in 15+ years when Megan and Emily are all grown up, but still Daddy's Girls.

Breanna and Martin said...

Adorable!!! There is Dr. Coffey being an example to us by wearing his shoes around the house! That's gonna take some getting used to!
Hey mama coffey, if you didn't send it yet that's totally fine, I'm just makin sure I didn't miss the email if you sent it. Or if you would rather have me come over that works too!
You're the best!

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