Monday, February 21, 2011

Amazing week

Well it's been a week since I last was on FB.  I didn't miss it at all.  I got so much accomplished with so much JOY that filled my life.  First I want to say I did miss a lot of birthdays so forgive me and I hope you enjoyed your special day. Next I send my deepest sympathy's to my friends Jill & Susie for the loss of their fathers.  I know how that feels and you are both in my prayers.

Ashley and I had a fun day in the rain last Saturday looking for bridesmaid dresses for her wedding.  While Tyler was away snowmobiling with family we took the time together to get some thing checked off our list. Tyler had a great time enjoying the snow.

Andrea took a slip during all that rain we had last weekend and she is in a boot.  Thank goodness she just had to make a call to daddy and before she knew it she was in a red boot! No xrays for her right now but she feels better just having her foot in a boot!

Chris is staying very busy at work and getting the house done before the big day arrives.

I'm happy and enjoying the time with my friends and family.  I made a photo scrapbook about our SF trip.  Great times and great memories.
Jamie and the pond are still in the landscaping stage.  We will post a video of the finished project soon!  He is staying busy at work saving soles!

I hope everyone is doing good and drops us a note and let us know what's new with you :)
Hugs to all~


Brandy said...

I like that you're updating this blog more. I so enjoy reading your blogs and listening to Journey while I am leaving a comment! :D Love you, Liz!

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