Monday, January 19, 2009

Bowtie Pasta

This recipe was passed on to me and I haven't tried it yet!  Sounds yummy though!

Garlic Bowtie Pasta with Mushrooms and Spinach

Cook and set aside one pound of bowtie pasta.

In a large pan, pour in a good amount of olive oil... at least a full cup.
Crush and gently sautee about 10 cloves of garlic, until tender, but not brown.
Add one full bag of baby spinach leaves (at first these will be a huge mound in
the pan, but keep turning them. They quickly wilt down to nothing).

Once the spinach has wilted, add one (drained) can of mushrooms. (I have used
fresh, but they produce too much water for this recipe).

Add salt and pepper, and a few dashes of garlic powder.

Pour your spinach mixture over the pasta and toss well, adding a liberal amount
of parmesan cheese. You're done, so enjoy!


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