Friday, July 25, 2008


There's peeps in the neighborhood!  The next door neighbors are dog sitting and our nosey dogs wanted a look.  When Bear saw it was a Chocolate Lab he wanted all the way over the fence to play.  Jame is holding back our 110 pound dog!  Boy oh Boy!


Shelley Goodman said...

Where is the new Flancer's? I love that place! Sounded like a blessed day indeed! Let me just say how excited I am for Hotel Del. I have been hearing wonderful things about this place:) We have always just gone to San Diego so Coranado will be a breath of fresh air! I will for sure mention the palm trees and raspberry lemonade to Debbie because I am sure curious about this whole thing. You two have way too much fun together!

Your dogs are so funny...and social!

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