We couldn't go to Colorado without checking out what Randy Barnes calls the "Holy Land" and without thinking of John Chandler everytime we passed this massive roller coaster looking stadium that is the home of the Denver Broncos!
Just like old times. We picked up right where we left off 12 years ago. Pam came to Andrea and Chris's wedding but we didn't have much time to visit so we had lots to catch up on while I was visiting.
This is the view from Buffalo Bill's Grave. The Coffey's and the Cody's are related about the same distances that this photo was taken, way down the road!
Andrea and I were living the hard life! Check out my skinny waist!
Recently Andrea and I attended the wedding of Ashley Thomas and BJ Roth in Golden Colorado. Our friend Pam Digiorgio (many of you know her as the former Pam Coons) lives in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. We sent 5 wonderful days in the beautiful Rocky Mountains and we even had time to shop imagine that! She was a fantastic tour guide. Thanks again Pam for a great time.
We'll be back!
Hi Liz - It looks like you and Andrea had a wonderful time in beautiful Colorado. It's one of my favorite places on this earth! Thanks for sharing your pictures and memories with the rest of us. I hope you're feeling better! Love ya!
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