Monday, January 22, 2007

Greeting from the Coffey's

We are now a family of 5. We are really enjoying life after "The Wedding". Jamie loves having male talk during football, basketball and baseball games. Like Mel Gibson said on Jay Leno one night, I didn't loose a daughter I gained another pallbearer.


Jill said...

Hi Liz! Your blog looks wonderful. I am so proud of you!! That's a nice picture of your beautiful family. Take care...and keep us updated on life at the Coffey Grounds!

Dean Kuest said...

I have joined the list of readers at the Coffey Grounds.

Is Jamie nervous that his funeral is already being planned? Now he has a pall bearer - I'm certainly available to do the service. :)

The Coffey Grounds said...

Hi Dean,
No services planned for the near future. I still need my hubby around. This is a fun way to communicate. Hope all is well at the Kuest household. Hey it SNOWED at our house last Sunday but we were so busy with Hershey because that is the same day she decided to have her puppies that we didn't get any pictures.
Hugs to the family and we miss you. PS. I will send you pictures from the wedding that Kevin took real soon. They are great.

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